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The project aims at bringing new solutions to the threats the catfish aquaculture sector starts to face in the Mekong Delta. The dangers are two-fold: first, climatic changes and dams building in the upper part of the river create and will continue to generate significant changes in the environmental conditions for the herds located in the lower part of the basin, such as an increase of the water salinity and a reduction in the supply of fish meat. Second, the arrival on the market of new actors (such as China producers) will necessitate improvements in the overall production process to remain competitive. Both of these challenges can be targeted by obtaining “better” animals: animals that are resilient to the changes in their environmental conditions, that are fast-growing while still providing quality products, that are resistant to the most frequent pathogens. Our proposal is to target the generation of such animals using a selection experiment and to organize the local sector to obtain an optimal diffusion of the experiment results, so that the research could be beneficial for all the actors of the chain, including the smallholders, who are the most threatened by the coming changes. Another objective is to reinforce the scientific support to the catfish value chain with Can Tho University (CTU) young staff members obtaining doctorates in the fields in line with the sustainable improvement of the species brood stock.

  • Workpackage R5
    Workpackage R5: Sustainable breeder transfer process between CTU, government seed centres and/or private hatcheries approved and implemented. This wor...
  • Workpackage R4
    Workpackage R4: The stakeholders affected by salinity interact through a network, including the smallholders, to improve their ability to interact wit...
  • Workpackage R3
    Workpackage R3: Can Tho University capacity to develop fish genetic selection programmes or breeding schemes is improved and genetic tools/material ar...
  • Workpackage R2
    Workpackage R2: Striped catfish better adapted to brackish water conditions are selected. This worpackage includes (i) eat up of selection programme t...
  • Workpackage R1
    Workpackage R1: Improved knowledge of water salinity effects on striped catfish production and striped catfish farming systems. This workpackage will...


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